baner galerie jiri putna

In Situ

18 October 2013 - 15 November 2013

Ladislav Jezbera

The exhibition was sponsored by Bachl company.

Exhibition will be opened by PhDr. Jiří Valoch.

Where Europe begins

13 September 2013 - 10 October 2013

Jan Vermouzek, Martin Wagner

Russian border between Asia and Europe is neither apparent nor it is easy to define with camera. Not only in the north applies the rule stating that the one who isn’t able to find its enjoyment in life is to be sentenced to boredom. Industrial southern Ural territories take turns with hundreds of kilometers of deserted steppes. You always find the same cars, similar rural wooden buildings and prefab houses in cities. Although it is far away from Moscow, programs broadcasted from there hit everyone. Symbols of russian sovereignity are most visible in Caucasus territory where separatist tendencies are the strongest.

Martin Wagner has been consistently taking photographs of the most diverse places in Russia and last four years he has been focusing on borderline separating Asia and Europe from Yamal peninsula to the russian border in northern Caucasus. On one of his journeys he was accompanied by photographer Jan Vermouzek. Out of these journeys authors have prepared a suggestive collection of about thirty photographs in which they tried to depict atmosphere of places they visited.


7 June 2013 - 5 July 2013

Agri-cultural group, Pigs


26 April 2013 - 20 May 2013

Tereza Fišerová

The installation Nospace was created for a specific gallery space Jiří Putna in Brno. The space, which is usually seen only through a window, is getting – in a special way – just two-dimensional. Due to the fact that the viewer has not the opportunity to be part of the space inside, the perceived picture in the window frame could be just a mere impression of spaciousness behind the glass. Theme of outer corner of the gallery, transferred into a linear „drawing“ to the opposite inner corner, thanks to the perspective shortcuts (real and contained in a drawing) becomes through a direct view of the viewer completely flat.


8 March 2013 - 25 April 2013

Katarína Hládeková, Ondřej Homola

The main topic of the exhibition is melting water. Water in several states of matter and levels of understanding. Authors created this radically romantic installation using video, photos, sculptures and readymade. The central object inspired by an iceberg captures the whole concept of the exhibition. Like a real iceberg, the ninety percent of the volume is hidden under the surface and what the viewer can see at a glance is the remaining ten percent. Nevertheless, watching closely, the visitor can get more deeply into the installation and get "under the surface". The authors use various forms of media to present what was hidden at the first sight.

Not only photography

1 February 2013 - 28 February 2013

Vilém Reichmann

A poet of photography, Brno intellectual and pacifist, had grown up in the German community in Brno, been forcibly thrown into the hell of war, had passed through it without once fired. His photographs, seemingly simple, are the keys to gates of imagination. Poetic metaphors, whose common element is the imagination animating the inanimate world, often moving to the edge of surrealism. At one era he was creating photomontages that were more graphic than conventional photographs, but later had returned to pure photography when he began creating files and macro photography, which opened up new possibilities for his imaginative pictures.

Very dressed up girls 2013

11 January 2013 - 24 January 2013

Models: Bára Krnínská, Tereza Krnínská, Markéta Veselá, Jana Kulhánková, Hana Kubínová, Veronika Přikrylová, Hana Svobodová, Lenka Votavová, Kateřina Michálková...

Attenders will have an exclusive opportunity to purchase the calendar.

Little carrots

7 December 2012 - 3 January 2013

Pavla Votavová - paintings and screening of her bachelor film.


2 November 2012 - 29 November 2012

Vítězslav Šerý - sculpture

Silent confessions

27 September 2012 - 25 October 2012

Hana Kubínová - photo

Photographs deal with transformation and urbanization of landscape in suburbian areas of Brno happening in last decades and subsequent vanishing of animals struggling with lack of natural environment. Chosen animals are brought back by shadows created by installations of found litter. These installations suggest images of past but they also create ilusion of life collected by things that can be usually found here nowadays.

Evžen Šimera

4 August 2012 - 20 September 2012

Evžen Šimera - objects


29 July 2012 - 2 August 2012

Veronika Přikrylová - object | installation
Veronika's works are typical for its minimalistic language. In her case it does not mean only a play with form or prefabricate. Visually clean works often carry a sort of humour in itself or a hidden meaning reacting on space where they are created. Her work for the gallery is based on an already existing railing, which might appear as useless but actually is absolutely essential for the gallery. Veronika has transformed the railing using material, which became determining in her work. Having used a metal pipe she created an object, which is not only very distinctive but also functional.

Petr Drábek - Prefa beton-ART-ka

Rotten bride

25 May 2012 - 25 June 2012
Kateřina Pěkná

"The closed garden you are, my sister, my bride, sealed source." (The Bible, Song of Songs)

Her bridegroom is leant against one tree in the garden of FFA, in Rybářská street.

"If we don´t try to articulate what is untold, this untold is not lost, because it is unpronounceably shown in what we don´t articulate." (Wittgenstein)


27 April 2012 – 24 May 2012
Jiří Schlosser, Lenka Votavová
Exhibition of diploma works of students of Studio of Sculpture II FaVU VUT Brno.

Tomáš Pavlacký will play the guitar.


13 April 2012 - 26 April 2012

Spring exhibition of paper swallows. Prepared in cooperation with Czech ornithology society (COS) using “Springalive” project. Project “Spring comes to life” is a basic birdwatching exploration. Thanks to children and adults around Europe we can explore the coming of spring.

Julie Kačerovská “Bird’s dictionaries - international conversation”

With virtual presentation of COS director Zdeněk Vermouzek.

Through The Blinds

23 March 2012 - 12 April 2012
Kateřina Valášková

The object of the old Venetian blind evokes pages and lines and creates a spatial interpretation of the book. It is a boundary between interior intimate and exterior public space.

Martin Štrunc will play the guitar.


2 March 2012 - 22 March 2012
Non-controversial study paintings of traditional confectionery product, choux pastry, vanilla cream filling, whipped caramel cream, melted sugar topping. Exhibitors are those artists who will come across on a february day in recently reconstructed Zemanova cukrárna (sweet-shop).

Ondřej Bílek, Kateřina Bubíková, Kateřina Joselová, Jakub Kliment, Pavlína Komoňová, Adam Krhánek, Jakub Kříž, Jana Kulhánková, Barbora Lungová, Kateřina Michálková, Pavla Naďová, Tomáš Pavlacký, Kateřina Pěkná, Veronika Přikrylová, Matěj Řízek, Markéta Schiffnederová, Jiří Schlosser, Vítezslav Šerý, Helena Tůmová, Jan Vermouzek, Lenka Votavová, Pavla Votavová, Ilona Župková

White point

10 February 2012 - 1 March 2012
Pavel Korbička

Installation as a social space where the smoker thanks to its pleasure sees white "point - the point" of the exhibition.

Signs Of Cross

20 January 2012 - 9 February 2012
Jan Vermouzek

Lukáš Rýdlo will play the organ.

Cross is one of the oldest and most known symbols. A geometrical figure containing two abscissas or rectangles holding mostly right angle thus dividing one or two abscissa into two. This symbol might refer to dividing world into four elements or world sides or connection between divine and human or secular element. Cross might also refer to an execution tool being used in antiquity by Babylonians, Phoenicians, Persians, Carthaginians, taken up by Romans.


9 December 2011 - 19 January 2012
Ondra Bílek, Jana Kulhánková, Ondra Sedlák, Jiří Schlosser, Vítězslav Šerý, Jan Vermouzek, Lenka Votavová.

Exhibition containing contemporary creations of fauna in work of young artists.

Tender Field

29 October - 8 December 2011
Katka Bubíková, Jana Kulhánková, Jiří Putna, Jiří Schlosser, Jan Vermouzek.

First exhibition of free group "Tender field" founded in one of Brno restaurants aproximately in 2007. Since then many yet unknown artist have joined from the whole Czech Republic. Members of the group are involved in all forms of artistic creation. All members have not met yet.