baner galerie jiri putna

Galerie Jiří Putna

Luční 54
616 00 Brno
Czech Republic

Opening Hours
We recommend you to contact us via numbers +420 723 386 418 or +420 724 057 346 before visiting the gallery. In case you have not made an appointment you can still enjoy the view from the street.

The vernissages are being held on fridays from 7pm (see Events). This may be the best time to enjoy the exhibition and also an opportunity to meet recent and past exhibitors.

Admission is free.

Current Exhibition

24 January 2014 - 20 February 2014

Jan Melena - Secret Services

He had studied painting and history of art in Brno and Ostrava and worked as a postman. Melena finds inspiration in the world of nature and its infinite scale of shapes. Return to the nature seems to be a protest of a man living in a city of Ostrava formerly considered to be an industrial heart of the country. In a fact, animals and specifically their heads do not serve as beings full of harmony and idols inhabiting an arcade world of calmness and peace but they rather act as dark and sultry dreams in the middle of muggy summer night. Heads of the animals with their big eyes are insistently questioning regarding the sense of their existence caged in 2D perspective of a list of paper or a canvas. The author works in intentions of tradition commenced by dark graphic lists of Goya or ecstatic pen drawings of Alfred Kubin. Present times and boom of IT and informatics have also left a mark on his work as the author uses the iPad to create his paintings. The production of Melena might be considered not the most up to date in terms of form but having used modern techno logy it is an absolutely recent product in broad world of contemporary art production.

On the occasion of the opening of Jan Melena exhibition Martin Štrunc returns after almost two years to the gallery with guitar and new repertoire.

Jan Melena - Tajné služby, pozvánka